Social Responsibility

1. Courteousness and integrity
The responsibility of ensuring genuine products and reasonable prices
The missing of integrity due to various reasons is undermining the normal operation of the socialist market economy. The dishonesty of some companies has resulted in counterfeit goods all the time. In order to maintain the order of the market and protect the interests of the people, Jindizhu will take up the social responsibility of ensuring genuine products and reasonable prices.
2. Scientific development
The task of an enterprise is to achieve development and make profits; in addition, they also shoulder the task of increasing taxes and promoting national development. Jindizhu will assume the responsibility of development, and pay attention to economic development. With development as both the center and the premise, we will continuously expand the scale of the enterprise, expand the tax share, complete tax tasks, and contribute efforts to national development. This concept of development must be scientific. We should not just be shortsighted without seeing far, and we should not only focus attention on the local situations without a global vision; we should not care only about our own interests while ignoring the interests of our friends and neighbors. Therefore, Jindizhu attaches high importance to development under the guidance of the scientific concept of "five balances".
3. Protect the environment
With the national and global economic development, the environment is getting more and more deteriorated, and environmental problems have become the bottleneck of economic development. For the survival of mankind and the sustainable development of the economy, Jindizhu will play a role in protecting the environment and maintaining the natural harmony
4. Protect employees' health
Human resources is not only a valuable asset of society, but also the support for the development of enterprises. To protect the lives and health of employees and to ensure their incomes and benefits concern not only about the sustained and healthy development of enterprises, but also the development and stability of society. Jindizhu will assume the responsibility of protecting employees' lives and health and ensuring sound benefits for them.